“A person
always doing
his or her best
becomes a
by example.
Joe DiMaggio”

Routine Mindset vERSUS
Problem Solving Mindset:

The human brain has powerful connections, storage, hardwiring, and processing that allows it to functio properly. Our brain gathers, stores, and manages information. If we do not STAY AWARE and gather useful information, then we are not appreciating or utilizing our brains full potential. As such, we need to store information that enriches our life and can help us stay safe.

or Level 1 MINDSET:

The programmed mind works like clockwork without much room for critical thinking. The routine mind is a shallow thinker and takes everything at the surface level without wanting to go deeper. This mindset can continue on autopilot for life. Not going deeper into thought. These folks are less self-aware.

How to break out

Give yourself a brand new start. Look forward to focusing on higher standards and taking the time every day to focus, organize, and strategize. Staying in the same pattern and not evolving will not increase one’s value. Follow some of the suggestions in the list below to raise your conscious level, so that you can become more self-aware.

  1. Raise your standards.
  2. Plan for change – breaking your routine is not easy and that’s why most don’t want to do it.
  3. Don’t let your mind be programmed into a routine.
  4. Turn off auto-pilot, and turn on awareness.
  5. Have ambitions and discuss your dreams.
  6. Switch up the little things you do in life.
  7. Get a little crazy!
  8. Give up control sometimes.
  9. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes.
  10. Seek out the unfamiliar.
  11. Break routines to break bad habits.

or Level 2 MINDSET:

The Level 2 mindset person is a deeper, more logical thinker, who is open to new scenarios and not bound by the chains of a closed mind. Reflection is the key to the Level 2 mindset. Deep thinkers look at things from different perspectives. Level 2 thinkers ask deep questions and dig for deep answers. Deep thinking requires work, effort, and patience. People with a problem-solving mindset believe that the outcome of the journey will be successful one way or the other, because failure is just another step toward success. Even if they fail in their journey they see the value in the ride. They see their efforts to accomplish their goals as a learning experience whether they win, lose, or draw.