Money may not buy you happiness but it can certainly buy you peace of mind. Imagine never having any pressure about paying your bills. Never having to worry about spending money on things you want. If that’s your definition of happiness then money can buy it. However, we teach that earning money by working at what you’re good at and surrounding yourself with the people you love is our definition of happiness. Having money is not representative of who you really are and your values. It’s how you spend your money that is indicative of your true value. Money has no value in and of itself. It’s how it’s spent that illustrates its value.
A lot of us have heard the expression, ‘save it for a rainy day’. However, most people don’t really understand what that means. It means, save your money in case there’s an emergency, so that you’ll have it when you need it. While a lot of people do understand this concept, they just lack the self-discipline and self awareness to actually save their money. Others have just not been taught how to manage their money and how to invest their money wisely so they can enjoy passive income, which in turn will make their lives better. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck. Some say the poverty mindset is almost impossible to get out of. I was told by a famous mentor coach that if a person’s family was poor, there was a 99% chance that their offspring would also be poor. In the above chapters we’ve learned not to accept LABELS from others. We also have to be very careful not to put LABELS on ourselves. Furthermore, while money expresses value, true values such as happiness, cannot be bought at any price. And yet, many folks place a higher value on money than happiness.
Self-made millionaires are making most of their money by either investing in or creating technology. Half of all self-made millionaires live in California. California boasts over 20% of all new patents in the United States. Be smart and use technology to LEVEL UP. The internet is the only technology tool in history that can make you a billionaire overnight. I personally have been using this tool to create wealth for over 20 years.