is simply forgiving the other person’s transgression
and moving on and trusting in your faith to a higher power.“
Forgiving a person that has wronged you is never an easy pill to swallow. But focusing on situations that fill you with rage and reliving them over and over again can store anger and allow it to grow. It’s amazing how the power of forgiveness releases all the trapped anger pent up by past actions. Forgiveness frees all negativity.
Here are the top 5
reason why it's so
hard to forgive:
- We don’t know how to forgive. Oftentimes when we forgive, we think that by forgiving the person we are communicating that the person’s actions were justified when they were not. We also get hung up on looking for the other person to admit their wrong doing. Forgiveness is simply forgiving the other person’s transgression and moving on and trusting in your faith to a higher power. Many times people will learn from the situation and will not commit the same offense again. This is another reason to forgive. People learn at their own time and pace.
- The full level of trust may never be restored. But your act of forgiveness may heal the wound of being hurt by the other person and create boundaries to insure your protection from future wrongdoings.
- Holding onto anger, or not giving into a person that has wronged you, may feel like justice, but it is really a form of revenge. You are basically saying, “This is what you get when you hurt me.” The problem with this reaction is that we carry this baggage around with us and allow it to fester, unless we fully confront the issue head on. By forgiving we can move forward and let our souls be a few pounds lighter without having to carry all that extra baggage around.
- If we don’t forgive, we are saying that the person that did this to us will get what they deserve. Forgiveness means we are giving up our right to judge.
- We get stuck in the concept of who is right and who is wrong. As we improve our emotional intelligence skills we will realize that it does not really matter who is right or wrong. What matters is that we move on with positivity and move forward in our life. The power of forgiveness allows us to move on more rapidly.
we can move forward and let our souls be a few
pounds lighter without having to carry all that extra baggage around.”