are very important for”

Is it possible to stop
bad habits, addictions, or cravings?

A craving is a powerful desire for something. Imagine you have cravings to eat healthy foods, exercise often, and be more knowledgeable. These cravings would constitute very good habits. In contrast, bad cravings work in the opposite manner. These cravings may be unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive drinking, or consuming sugary foods.

Some believe in the 21/90-day rule. This rule states that after 21 days of completing a routine, it becomes a habit. Then, 90 days after that, this habit becomes a lifestyle. While this may not be a scientific principle, experience has surely taught us that it is true.

what are triggers?

Cravings are provoked by TRIGGERS. This is why the key to habits is to slow down and be more aware of your actions. Making oneself aware of Triggers can be as simple as setting up an environment with a support system of friends or family that helps you avoid them. Triggers provoke memories and feelings similar to substance abuse and addiction. For example, if you are trying to avoid sugar and see an ad on TV for your favorite soft drink, this could trigger a craving for sugar. Your awareness of your Triggers are important to avoiding them. The ability to manage stress through relaxation and changing negative thoughts into positive is the key to a healthy state of mind. As we’ve discussed previously, many positive mood-building exercises include the power of music, massage, touch, aromatherapy, socializing and exercise.

Some examples of common triggers are:

  • Holding onto dates or anniversaries of loss or trauma.
  • Social media and TV commercials.
  • Allowing things we can’t control to control us.
  • Family friction.
  • Ending relationships.
  • Spending too much time alone.
  • Being judged or criticized.