Is your belief system working for you?

Is your belief system getting you the results that you need to satisfy your inner self? Belief systems are a set of principles or rules, which work together like a moral code, philosophy, or religion.

Having a BELIEF SYSTEM in place can be of great benefit to rely on. For me, the Ten Commandments are great rules I try to follow in my personal life. When I had no one else around to help me make sound decisions that could affect my life, I relied on these great moral principles.

Belief systems, though controversial, can save people’s lives. However, some religious groups alienate non group members too harshly and scare off many non believers instead of attracting them. Many belief systems are standardized and can have members of like-minded people to help support their beliefs. These belief systems can provide instruction, wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

A belief system can be simple and have basic ingredients like TRUTH, PURPOSE, and SELF VALIDATION. These basic tenets can be used to create a successful belief system.

What is the difference between religion
and spirituality?

RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY both focus on attempting to understand the root cause of meaning and purpose in our belief system. It is also an attempt at understanding the influence of a higher power.

Religion is an organized, community-based belief system. Spirituality typically focuses on the individual and their personal beliefs. The benefit of being in an organized religion is sharing beliefs with other believers. Non-religious spirituality is self-helping. I have acquired many of these spiritual beliefs by being an ACTIVE LISTENER and LEARNER within my community in Venice Beach, where there are many different spiritual types of people.

We have to remember that religious learning institutions were the first to establish organizational education in modern civilization. It saddens me when people from different religious beliefs judge each other. ACTIVE LISTENING turns off when a person mentions the Bible, Torah, or Koran. The average person just shuts down. 95% of the population is not trained to accept different religious beliefs.

When most religious groups, or spiritual individuals, e ncounter a dissimilar belief system, theyusually just actively ignore it. In the spiritual world, EMBODIED AWARENESS techniques teach us not to aggressively attack a person’s different belief system. We are taught to embrace all kinds of people compassionately. While the three holy books, the Bible, Torah, and Koran have divergent religious beliefs, they do have similar stories. They even share many of the same characters and events. Do you recall that I mentioned the power of quotes, rhymes, stories, and scriptures? Please keep in mind that they are a key ingredient in achieving a high IQ. Knowing many of the stories and scriptures in these books has saved my life.

Nearly all of my education has come from listening, following directions, being extremely social, and reading everything I can. Having an open mind and deep relationships with all kinds of religious and spiritual people has provided me with the compassion and understanding to love all without judgment or jealousy. I have received the wisdom of Muslim, Jewish, Christian, and Spiritual teachings and the benefits have been financial, emotional, social, spiritual, and physical.