“Never Stop
because life never stops teaching.
The original word Philosophia, a Greek word which means Love and Wisdom. Organized arguments that have power, reasoning and validity. Philosophy is the examination of the structure of an argument or premise about knowledge. As leaders, our opinions matter. Think before you reply during a conversation. Organize your thoughts before you speak, so that your words are more powerful. Develop a strategic mindset.
The key is taking them out of their normal environment into new and stimulating places. Trips to parks, gardens, hiking paths and upwardly mobile neighborhoods inspire and help them deal with and overcome feelings of disappointment. But our best results have come from one- on-one training. We also provide a paid internship program for young adults that encourages a higher sense of purpose.
Quicksand is defined as loose wet sand that yields easily to pressure and sucks down everything in it. The biggest challenge is determining if students are really ready for help or are they playing the victim role. The victim role is an alter ego role, not the real person inside. They blame everything and everyone but themselves for their problems and their failures. They are their selfish twin. All relationships begin by depending on the truth. We want to find out if students are being honest with us. Honest about the mistakes they have made. Young adults are not secure with the consequences of telling THE TRUTH. People have been taught to hide things from others; their co-workers, adults, classmates, spouses, teachers, congregations, and mentors. Most young people and many older adults are caught up in their own present-day alter egos. Everyone is impatient for success. And they don’t want it now, they want it RIGHT NOW.
Remember the 1% rule we talked about in previous chapters. If we strive to improve ourselves 1% better a day, we will end up 37% better over the course of a year. This is self-improvement 101.